Vogl Lawyer GmbH
Hirschgraben 4
6800 Feldkirch
Telephone: +43 5522/77777
Fax: +43 5522 / 77777-22
e-mail: office@vogl.or.at

Company registration number: FN 457610g
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Feldkirch, 6800 Feldkirch
Sales tax identification number UID: ATU71291826
Purpose of the company: practice of the legal profession
Authorized representative:

Dr. Hans-Jörg Vogl as Managing Director
Member of the Vorarlberger Rechtsanwaltskammer – member of the voluntary trust audit of the Vorarlberger Rechtsanwaltskammer (membership number: 000021)

We are lawyers under Austrian law and subject to the relevant Professional Law (RAO, RL-BA), available at http://www.oerak.at, as well as the supervision of the Bar Association Vorarlberg.